Santa Charana Raja
An Abhanga by Tukaram Maharaj

Sung by Viju Kulkarni

Abhanga Santa Carana Raja

The recording of this abhanga is available in the Siddha Yoga Bookstore.

Introduction by Kunti Fanjul

Tukaram Maharaj was a prolific poet-saint who lived during the first half of the seventeenth century in the village of Dehu in Maharashtra, India. He composed several thousand abhangas, devotional poems set to music, and filled them with his deep longing and love for God.  Read more

In the Marathi language, abhanga means “unbroken, indestructible”—just like the unchanging love of God described by Tukaram and which he invites us to experience in our own hearts. These songs have the power to awaken bhakti, divine love and devotion, and to inspire us to become established in God’s presence within.

The Siddha Yoga Gurus honor the ancient wisdom of the poet-saints and their expressions of devotional love, bhakti. They encourage students to sing these abhangas and study the saints’ teachings as a means to develop their own devotion and worship of God.

In Santa Charana Raja, the abhanga on this page, Tukaram praises the power of the saints and describes how keeping their company awakens us to God’s love.

Tukaram himself, having endured terrible suffering and loss in the early part of his life, yearned for the companionship of the wise ones in order to cross over the ocean of worldly distress in which he had been adrift. Tukaram had no physical teacher to awaken and guide him, so he took refuge in the songs of the saints of his tradition—such as Jnaneshvar Maharaj, Eknath Maharaj, and Saint Namdev who lived centuries before him. Finally, Tukaram’s search bore fruit, and in a dream, an enlightened Guru from the world of the Siddhas imparted on him divine initiation. In the last verse of this song, Tukaram addresses the significance of the Guru: “…the company of a saint is rare. It takes great merit to meet one.” What a precious opportunity we Siddha Yogis have to pursue sadhana, our own search for the Divine, with our Guru’s grace and guidance.

What fascinates me about the poet-saints of India is that they share stories of their inner journeys in their compositions, inspiring us on our path through the evocative and musical language of poetry. Many of the poet-saints understood—and I personally experience—that the power of music affects the heart directly. This is why listening to and singing devotional music is considered the easiest and fastest way to experience God. The vibrations of devotional music release the exquisite love that flows unceasingly at the core of our being.

On the Siddha Yoga path, everyone is motivated to chant and sing with a full heart. Why is this so? Because when we make the effort to offer our voice in praise, a wondrous alchemy takes place. The wisdom carried in these songs washes away ignorance and reveals our own innate greatness.

Viju Kulkarni, or Viju tai as she is lovingly known, is an expert Siddha Yoga musician trained in Indian classical music. She has served Gurumayi Chidvilasananda and Baba Muktananda for decades with her musical offerings. On this recording, Viju tai sings a tender rendition of Tukaram Maharaj’s Santa Charana Raja. The melody is set in the Yamanraga, which carries the rasa, the “essence,” of happiness, devotion, and peace.

When you read the words and translation of this song, try reading them aloud and see what you experience. Hum along with the melody and reflect on what your heart feels. Sing along and see what happens to your state of being. By singing devotional songs with reverence, we pay homage to God and the Guru for the blessed life we have. As Tukaram says in this abhanga, “So powerful are the saints, that if you even touch the dust of their feet, the seeds of all your desires will be burnt to a crisp.”

To experience the company of the saints, we can follow Tukaram’s example and sing! Throughout almost three decades of offering seva as a Siddha Yoga musician, I have learned that whether or not I think I sing beautifully, what really matters is the sincerity of my offering. When I sing with a pure heart, God listens. And when I give a little bit of love to God, God gives love back a thousandfold.

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    Please share your experience in 175 words or less. Enter your share in the space below.

    I am grateful for this beautiful bhajan. I had been experiencing unpleasant feelings and when I read the meaning of this bhajan, I felt peacefulness in my heart immediately. For me this bhajan is so powerful and filled with love and devotion.

    Chennai, India

    Saint Tukaram Maharaj wrote and sang this a bhanga in the 16th century, but I have experienced the same love and bliss in 2018, thanks to Gurumayi’s grace. As Tukaram Maharaj sings here, the company of a saint is rare! We are blessed to have a teacher such as Gurumayi.

    North Carolina, USA

    The lines of this poem describe my experience at the door of Bhagawan Nityananda’s Temple in Gurudev Siddha Peeth. Just as Tukaram Maharaj predicts, my throat “choke[s] with love.”
    I am so grateful for the grace of the Guru who has made this possible.

    Massachusetts, USA

    This abhanga invites me directly into the atmosphere of the painted scene of seventeenth-century Maharashtra. I receive the precious words of Tukaram Maharaj as gems. My heart melts with gratitude, and I enjoy satsang—the company of the Truth conveyed by this great poet-saint.

    Rodez, France

    As I listened to Santa Carana Raja for the first time and followed the words of the chant, I marveled as my restless state dissolved into a sea of calm repose. So little time, such precious reward!
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for the potency of your grace, which returns me unfailingly to satsang with my inner Self.

    Alaska, USA

    I find myself praying for the words of Tukaram Maharaj to live forever in my heart.

    Mexico City, Mexico

    Hearing this abhanga, I am ready to embrace the sacred Name fully and allow my joy to increase endlessly. This is the blessing of my connection with my Sadguru!

    Washington, USA

    Listening to Tukaram Maharaj’s abhanga, I feel tears of gratitude well up as I recognize how rare and precious it is to have a being like Gurumayi in my life, and how wonderful, as Tukaram Maharaj says, to have the “merit” to be drawn to her.
    I am also grateful for the grace to love singing God’s name.
    I continue to walk this path with the understanding that as I do, my desires will be consumed, and I will experience the intoxication of knowing that God is living in my Heart.

    New Mexico, USA

    As I listened to, and then read, this abhanga, I could only thank the Lord for the blessing of meeting my Guru in this lifetime. I imagined my head bowing at Gurumayi’s feet, and my heart soared to heaven in gratitude for all she has given to me.
    With love and reverence, I continue to delve deeper into the practice of knowing the Truth.

    South Carolina, USA

    Reading Tukaram Maharaj’s simple, profound words aloud, I realize how often I experience the states he describes. When I share with my sadhana friends, they too speak of how their practices are steeped in the name of God, in love and joy. I love hearing them tell how these states stay in their awareness and flow through their day.
    I am filled with awe, wonder, and gratitude to be living in the company of a saint such as Gurumayi.
    She is the powerful form of God who lives in my Heart—and her presence there fills my world.

    Adelaide, Australia

    This beautiful abhanga by Tukaram Maharaj fills me with gratitude for having a living Guru in my life.
    I understand that only a Sadguru, a true master, can rightly teach me about God. And I have faith that by following Gurumayi’s teachings with devotion—and with awareness of the balance between grace and sweet self-effort—I can attune myself to my Guru’s Heart.
    What a blessing it is to have such an extraordinary Guru as Gurumayi!

    Mar del Plata, Argentina