Aza Uttama Sudina

An Abhanga by Eknath Maharaj

Abhanga - Aza Uttama Sudina

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    This wonderful abhanga by Eknath Maharaj brought me back to the moment that I met Gurumayi for the first time many years ago. As I stood waiting for her darshan and our eyes met, I felt that everything I had experienced in my life had been to bring me to that moment of meeting this great Being. Everything changed for me. All that I had read about a person meeting their Guru had now happened to me, and I felt the magnitude of this experience.
    From that moment to this I have felt this wonderful connection to the Guru and, through her grace, to the lineage of Siddha Masters and to all living beings and all of creation. Even at the most testing times, I cannot forget my incredible good fortune.
    I am grateful to Eknath for his clear and beautiful composition about the darshan of saints, and to Gurumayi for being the embodiment of the Guru’s grace for me.

    London, United Kingdom

    When I listen to abhangas like this one, my heart melts into the sweetest longing for God. At moments like this, I feel I can sense clearly the intention of the great saints who composed these sacred songs. I feel that they created them to inspire others like me to feel the same love for God that they themselves experienced.
    What a great gift!

    Milan, Italy

    This is one of my favorite bhajans. It gives me a feeling of freshness. The meaning is also so beautiful. It reminds me of my tremendous good fortune to have the teachings of the saints and siddhas in my life.

    Pune, India

    Listening to this captivating abhanga, I felt saturated in the sweetness of my own heart—uplifted and held by a feeling of inner bliss. 
    This experience reminds me of a teaching I once heard from Gurumayi about the relationship of darshan to the heart. Eknath Maharaj has inspired me to begin now to contemplate the connection between between darshan and satsang!

    Wisconsin, USA

    I woke up early on the morning of March 7th, the anniversary of Eknath Maharaj’s punyatithi, humming “When the Saints Go Marching In!” I began to recall my journey to Gurudev Siddha Peeth to participate in the Pilgrimage to the Heart Retreat—an experience of darshan of the Siddha Yoga lineage that changed me forever.
    Finding Eknath’s abhanga here confirmed my sense of good fortune to have received Gurumayi’s darshan. How gracious is this path! We have the Guru’s shakti working within us, guiding us to liberation bit by bit.

    Yeovil, United Kingdom

    When I read Eknath Maharaj’s words, gratitude arose in my heart for this great poet-saint. I felt that my day had become auspicious.
    This abhanga gives me faith and courage to walk the path of the Siddhas, step by step, with the support of my Guru’s darshan and grace. I have access to satsang—the company of the Truth. What more do I need?

    Bienenbüttel, Germany

    In reflecting on Eknath Maharaj’s words about darshan of the saints and surrendering to the saints, I feel I am being guided in how to deepen my experience of satsang—by recognizing it, and then giving myself to it.
    For me, “surrendering” involves a series of actions I can take as I experience satsang; these may include forming an intention, becoming aware of my devotion, or articulating a prayer. This abhanga adds a new dimension to my understanding and practice, something I can actively work with.

    California, USA

    As I read the words of Eknath’s abhanga, I am reminded of participating in A Sweet Surprise Satsang on New Year’s Day and experiencing Gurumayi’s darshan.
    As I listened to Gurumayi’s Message talk, I could feel her grace enlivening and opening my heart, and cleansing my mind of feelings of duality and separateness through opening a space of surrender within me. In that moment, I felt free of worries.
    I feel so fortunate “to cherish the darshan of the saints.”

    New Jersey, USA