Cadariya jhini re jhini

A Bhajan by Kabir


Click “Play” to listen to the bhajanCadariyā jhīni re jhīni, sung by Viju Kulkarni

Chadariya jhini re jhini

The recording of this bhajan is available in the Siddha Yoga Bookstore.

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    I am so grateful that this bhajan is available on the Siddha Yoga path website. For me, listening to bhajans is a way I can immerse myself in the Siddha Yoga teachings while carrying out my daily chores. What a great teaching there is in this bhajan; it makes me aware of my own divinity and the importance of a human body.

    Khamgaon, India

    What a joy it is to listen to this bhajan by Kabir, so beautifully sung by Viju Kulkarni!
    With each verse that describes the value and preciousness of a human birth, I feel inspired to live my life to the fullest. And I am learning that remembering God and performing good deeds will sprout abundant blessings.

    Florida, United States

    I love to sing this provocative bhajan after my morning practice of reciting Shri Guru Gita. The melody connects me to the Self. The words inspire me to reflect on how I utilize my time and remind me to bring my awareness to pure thoughts and actions, knowing my journey on earth is limited and that each minute, hour, and day is priceless.

    Florida, United States

    This bhajan by Kabir, Cadariya jhini re jhini, has profound significance in my life. Although I have been listening to my mother sing this since my childhood, deeper understanding dawned only after meeting Gurumayi and following the Siddha Yoga path. It is Gurumayi and the Siddha Yoga teachings that have revealed to me what I now think of as the key meaning of this bhajan, namely that I am not simply my body—I am the Self.

    Lucknow, India

    What a beautiful poem! As I read this, my whole body vibrates with the Truth. Our life is this precious "sheet". We must feel grateful for it, care for it, honor it with every moment spent fully in the soundless sound, the So’ham mantra riding on our breath.

    Without this sheet, how could we be so privileged to serve God and devote our lives to him and to experience love? Such beauty in these words.

    Thank you, Kabir. Thank you, Gurumayi!

    Sai Kung, Hong Kong

    What a lovely poem! The line I am drawn to this morning is, “The sheet I am wrapped in is woven exquisitely with the nectarean name of Lord Ram.” I repeated it aloud. This line evokes the sweetness I find in chanting the name of God. It describes what I experience when I focus on the words and the subtle vibration of sound in my body.

    This posting has inspired me to renew my practice of namasankirtana.

    New Hampshire, USA

    One gift I treasure is the experience of longing. Today’s visit to the website shows me a vibrant red color accompanying this beautiful bhajan by Kabir; this color brings this longing to the forefront of my awareness. I recognize that this awareness of my longing for God, the longing to be dyed in the vibrant Name, is the shawl that increasingly envelops me.

    Thank you for mirroring the prayer of my heart. What a life of grace the Guru wraps us in!

    New York, USA

    Kabir’s story touches my heart. His dedication to strive for the highest and to make his life a divine experience inspires me. Kabir’s advice not to take this body for granted captures my attention, and gratitude for the richness and beauty of my life fills my heart as I read these pure words.

    May I be mindful today, and may I listen attentively to others. May I find ways to offer my heartfelt gratitude to God.

    Katzenbach, Germany

    The words of Saint Kabir—"Having worn this sheet, do not take it for granted. Remember that it is loaned to you just for a few days"—touched my heart. I contemplated these words and understood how important this life is.  
    So how can I waste my time by not repeating the mantra?! I have decided to write down these words of Kabir and will read them again and again as a reminder.
    Thank you very much for posting this bhajan.

    Gurudev Siddha Peeth

    This is one of my favorite poems by Kabir. It reminds me how blessed my being is to be colored by the grace of my Shri Guru. I know that whatever happens, my Guru’s grace will remain spotless forever.
    This bhajan reminds me to hold onto the abundant grace of my Guru with love and care.

    Bhusawal, India

    I am so grateful for the many ways the Guru has given me to take care of the sheet that I have been loaned.

    As I went for my morning walk today, I became aware of the joy arising in my heart as I moved my body, breathed the fresh morning air, and remembered the words of Kabir’s bhajan.

    I focused my mind on the joy, thanked the great Shakti in whose color I am dyed, and noticed the joy expanding and spreading throughout my whole being till I was experiencing great bliss.

    Thank you, Gurumayi. Today, through your divine grace, I am sparkling!

    Melbourne, Australia

    My father had a tape recording of this bhajan sung for Baba Muktananda by Shri Purushottam Das Jalota in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, way back in the 1970s. I grew up listening to that tape, and this was one of my favorite bhajans. The words and meaning continue to resonate within me. They are such a true and clear depiction of what life is and what is expected of us in this life.
    I’m so grateful for this and for all the wonderful posts on the Siddha Yoga path website, which is such a strong support for my sadhana.

    Texas, USA

    This bhajan always moves me. Listening to the audio recording brings tears to my eyes. The compassion of Kabir is so tangible. I feel he has spelled out the truth of my birth so clearly. He is singing from his experience and reminding me of the purpose of my own life, which has been loaned to me.
    I realize that it is up to me to make the best of this life. And I understand that the way to do this is through constant remembrance of my Shri Guru. And, I have to do it right now, in this very moment.

    Gurudev Siddha Peeth

    I used to love listening to this beautiful bhajan during my pregnancy. Whenever I listened to it, I could visualize myself playing happily with my healthy child. It always filled my heart with joy and love. Today, I am the happy mother of a three-year-old child. I consider him to be a divine soul who deserves my love, respect, and time.

    Thane West, India

    I have been listening to this bhajan for years. The first thing I do when I get out of bed is to switch on my music and listen to the CDs Prayers of the Heart or The Elixir of Saints. Each time I listen to this bhajan, my heart fills with great joy.

    My mornings have become beautiful because of these bhajans. Moreover, for the first time, I have a clearer understanding of every word sung and the great meaning being conveyed in the simplest manner.

    I am grateful for this!

    New Delhi, India

    After reciting Shri Guru Gita, I had an insight: life is so precious because at any moment, with the grace of my Guru, I can become free and realize the truth that I am God. What a sublime feeling!

    Thank you, Gurumayi, with all my love.

    Milan, Italy

    I feel as if I’ve been receiving such priceless guidance through the Siddha Yoga path website during this month of September. The story of King Parikshit, the title of the upcoming Shaktipat Intensive, and now this powerful bhajan from the poet-saint Kabir. Each encourages me to repeat the divine Name in order to cleanse my being and prepare myself to know God in this very body.

    In the days since Kabir’s bhajan was posted, I have become more diligent about availing myself of every opportunity to repeat the mantra or to chant one of the beautiful namasankirtanas. More and more, whenever I become still, I have been noticing blissful energy surging through my body. My mind is quieter these days, more serene and happy. I feel as if something wondrous is about to unfold in my sadhana.

    Thank you.

    Wisconsin, USA

    I think of each day as a mini-life. Today, I choose to live my life in the spirit of this bhajan—pure, loving, and devoted to my Shri Guru’s lotus feet.
    Jaya Gurumayi!

    New York, USA

    One of the ways I keep my sheet spotless is to bathe it in gratitude every day.

    New York, USA

    My thoughts after reading the words of Kabir:

    Om Guru Om Guru Om Guru Om

    California, USA

    Such a great poem! The body is indeed the temple of the soul. I am reading Gurumayi’s book, The Yoga of Discipline. In this book Gurumayi describes so wonderfully the importance of the human body, and all the senses, as a vehicle for the inner journey. Reading it has led me to take good care of my body and also to work on the subtle levels, thereby surrendering all my senses at the feet of my Shri Guru.

    Dombivli, India

    Today while rereading Kabir’s poem, I pondered the words, "He has…put it back as he found it!"  They reminded me that the longer  I live, the more I realize the importance of spiritually becoming a child again, returning to the innocence and purity of a newborn wrapped in the sheet "woven exquisitely with the nectarean name of Lord Ram."

    Thank you, Kabir.  Reading your poem has given me wise words for contemplation.

    New York, USA

    This bhajan by Kabir inspired me to reread Baba Muktananda’s teachings on the body, in his chapter "The Path of Love" in Play of Consciousness. By the time I finished reading the third page, Baba’s words had me dancing and my body felt like a teenager’s again.

    Then all night my body felt so comfortable. When I awoke, I asked myself why—and I knew it was from reading Kabir’s bhajan and Baba’s teachings about the body.

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for guiding me to the words of Kabir and Baba, and to the power of chanting the Name.

    Washington, USA

    This bhajan has fascinated me from my childhood. It is mystical and deep in meaning, and it encourages me to look at the way I am living my life.
    I feel that it is because of Gurumayi’s grace that I am able to understand and experience this bhajan. Thank you, Gurumayi, for your loving presence in my life.

    Pune, India

    What I find most provocative and challenging in Kabir’s poem is the stanza telling us not to take this sheet for granted and to “Remember that it is loaned to you just for a few days.” I find it’s so easy to forget that my life is limited. If I remembered, I’m sure I’d be more focused on my sadhana, on remembering the Self.
    Recently, I got up earlier than usual to recite Shri Guru Gita. I’d been lying in bed full of concerns about a challenging day to come. When I sat to chant, I felt I was being wrapped in a soft, gentle blanket of love and protection. I was able to remember the support of the chant during the day.
    After reading Kabir’s poem, I have a deeper understanding of the power of chanting and greater gratitude for being guided to repeat the name of the Lord.

    Kentucky, USA

    What I understood is that for Kabir to be born, he had to become contracted from infinite Consciousness into a limited human form—and so he wept. His mortal death will be a matter of celebration for him because his being is interwoven with that of his beloved Lord Ram, who is infinite and eternal.
    To have a human form is a privilege, short-lived, and not to be wasted. Ignorance creates more and more delusion in the mind and body. And that is why the great saints take care to keep the sheet clean and sacred. I offer my gratitude to them.

    Wyoming, USA

    Today is my birthday, and when I read "Cadariya jhini re jhini," I received a gift: the reminder that this birth is a divine gift, and the inspiration to live the remainder of my life in the knowledge that this earthly life is indescribably precious.

    New York, USA

    This poem lights up a great truth within my heart.

    I am expecting a baby, and every day I feel as if I am weaving a tapestry of love, reverence, and devotion to God—to serve and support this new being, as well as myself as his mother. And every time I pray to the Guru and remember the preciousness of life, I know my baby is receiving countless blessings.

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for this reminder of life as a short yet precious treasure to constantly care for with love.

    California, USA

    So beautiful! As I read the words of the bhajan, it seems to me that Kabir had the highest respect and regard for his body, knowing it was a tool for liberation. He surrendered it to his Guru, who dyed it totally with red, representing the divine Shakti.

    After reading Kabir’s lovely words, a prayer arises from my heart: May I give the cloth of my small self to my Guru.

    New York, USA