He Hari Sundara, He Guru Sundara

A Bhajan by Guru Nanak

Sung by Viju Kulkarni in Shree Muktananda Ashram.

Thumaka Calata Ramacandra

Introduction by Julian Elfer

This beautiful—sundara!bhajan is attributed to Guru Nanak, the founder of the Sikh religion. It gives exalted, loving expression to his central teaching—that one God, who is the supreme Guru, dwells in all things, without distinction.  Read more

Guru Nanak was born in 1469 to a Hindu family in India’s Punjab State. He was an ecstatic and enlightened being who became a householder, fathered two sons, and worked for a time as an accountant until recognizing he had to honor a spiritual calling. He was driven to awaken the hearts of seekers to the presence of the one Supreme Being who transcends the narrow religious, social, and sectarian divisions that were prevalent in his time.

Accompanied by his childhood friend, Mardana, a Muslim who played the rabab, a kind of lute, Nanak traveled extensively throughout India and beyond, composing songs in worship of the all-pervasive Guru, whose divine living presence he perceived wherever he looked. This bhajanHe Hari Sundara, He Guru Sundara—is such a song.

Hari is an ancient name dating as far back as the Vedas. It represents the Absolute, the all-pervasive Consciousness that exists in every particle of the universe. He Hari Sundara invites us to the recognition of the one Lord who manifests in the wonders of nature and dwells fully in all hearts without distinction. While the imagery of this hymn is majestic, the final verse guides us to the recognition of something intimate and familiar—the direct experience that takes place within our own heart.

The melody we hear sung by Siddha Yoga musician Viju Kulkarni has been composed in the Yamanraga, which evokes qualities of devotion, peace, and compassion. By listening, singing along, or meditating on this bhajan‘s meaning, we open ourselves to the illuminating experience that this sacred song conveys.

After sitting with this exquisite rendition by Viju tai, I am left with the lilting refrain “He Hari Sundara, He Guru Sundara,” repeating itself inside. It weaves throughout the song, proclaiming the joyful, loving, and grateful recognition: “All this is You!” We have an opportunity to revel in this refrain and to let it resound throughout our daily life: “O beautiful Lord Hari, O glorious Guru!”

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    This gorgeously sung bhajan lit up my being. The exposition allowed me to feel as if I was going back in time and experiencing the love and compassion pouring out of the words and voices of Guru Nanak and his companions.

    California, United States

    I feel the Guru’s presence and protection in my life in each word of this bhajan. The melody enhances the meaning of the words for me, and the sweet voices enter directly into my heart.

    Delhi, India

    It is dusk as I sit here in my meditation room. I have just listened to this bhajan twice, swaying in happiness. In the silence now I can still hear the beautiful voices and instruments vibrating subtly in the ether. I feel as if I have been transported to the light-filled courtyard in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, where I and many others are sitting with Gurumayi. How joyous it is to sing of the Guru and the oneness of all things!

    Castlemaine, Australia

    This melodious bhajan makes my cells dance, and the poetry of Guru Nanak purifies my mind. Through the words, I admire the artwork of the “divine painter” and become more and more sensitive to the beauty of nature and the feelings of humanity.

    Rodez, France

    As I listened to Viju singing Guru Nanak’s bhajan in her angelic voice, I felt I was listening to the golden voice of God. Every verse, every word, soothed and comforted me, and waves of devotion and gratitude rose within me.

    St. Laurent, Canada

    This is the one of the most beautiful bhajans I have ever heard. It enveloped me with sweet and peaceful energy. At the end, I was in meditation.

    Berlin, Germany

    This bhajan, with its beautiful melody, is so powerful it transforms the atmosphere around me in moments.

    Nashik, India

    This bhajan is melodious and evokes in me love and devotion for the Guru. In listening to it, I felt the unity of the Guru and God. My mind was totally absorbed in it.

    Patiala, India

    Listening again and again, I am going deeper into a state of equipoise within my being. I am feeling very connected with myself. I could experience the omnipresent Self, which is present in the tiniest particles and in the largest forms that exist.

    Hyderabad, India

    These words in Verse 3 of the bhajan made a deep impression on me: “You are in the sorrow of those who suffer.” While I often focus on joy, I realized that Gurumayi has invited us many times to pray for peace around the world and remember the many people who suffer. I thought about how our Guru’s compassion reaches them. I’m grateful for my broadened perspective.

    Florida, United States