Ahanta Sandoni Soham Rashmi Ghei

An Abhanga by Jnaneshvar Maharaj

In this abhanga, the Maharashtrian poet-saint Jnaneshvar Maharaj refers to his listener as “child of the Guru,” an affectionate way of referring to a disciple—one who follows and practices the teachings of a realized Master.

“Give up the ego,” the saint instructs, “and take the light of the mantra So’ham.” These simple words encapsulate a profound teaching for the repetition of So’ham, one of the practices Gurumayi gave us to put her Message for 2019 into action.

When Saint Jnaneshvar urges us to “give up the ego,” he is talking about our identification with our limited individuality, which keeps us from experiencing and recognizing our own great Self. One’s personal characteristics or history – whether one is a doctor, a teenager, someone who plays chess, or an award winner–are useful to perform one’s roles in the world. But they only reflect a narrow portion of who we are. For this reason, the poet-saint asks us to replace the ego, the limiting notions about ourselves, with the “light of the mantra So’ham.” This means not only repeating the words, but also focusing the mind on the radiant Truth that the mantra embodies.

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So’ham literally means “I am That.” The word refers to the Absolute, the divine Consciousness beyond name and form, the source and substance of all that exists. So’ham is an affirmation of our unity with That.

The first verse in the abhanga gives us a practical means to focus our mind on the light of So’ham. “Even a fraction of this light,” the saint says, “is true; everything else is irrelevant.” As you practice repeating the So’ham mantra, there might be moments in which the mind is distracted with thoughts or images. These would be part of those things that are irrelevant, and therefore there is no need to resist or engage them. Just gently bring the mind, again and again, back to the mantra.

Over time, as you continue to repeat the mantra, the mind’s activity will subside, and you will find yourself immersed in the sweetness of your innermost being. Such experiences are a manifestation of the “light of So’ham.”

You can benefit from these moments by giving yourself time to reflect on them. You may wish to record what you’ve experienced in your journal, with the awareness that each glimpse of that light reveals the highest truth. By doing this practice repeatedly, your vision will gradually transform, and understanding of your true nature will emerge. Then, the poet-saint says, “You will experience happiness.”

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Doha: Mala Pherata Jug Bhaya

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    The sweet music and the crystal voices of the ensemble bring joy to my heart as Jnaneshwar’s words illumine my mind with pure knowledge.

    As I continue to practice so’ham, I find that my mind is getting sharper and ever more capable of experiencing the sweetness of my heart.

    Rodez, France

    After listening to Jnaneshvar Maharaj’s abhanga, and reading his verses, I am experiencing a multitude of feelings that resonate deeply in my heart and mind. I will continue reflecting on Jnaneshvar’s command until I can make it my very own.

    California, United States

    This abhanga from Jnaneshwar Maharaj stirred my heart. As I read each word, serene silence began enveloping me. I found repose in that humming silence. The term guruputra, "child of the Guru," stood out for me, as it touchingly conveyed the bond of affection and deep connection I experience between the Guru and me, her student.
    I offer my heartfelt gratitude to Gurumayi for sharing the secret revealed to Jnaneshwar Maharaj by his guru centuries ago. Because of shaktipat-diksha, his revelation is my living experience today. I would like nothing more than to revel constantly in his understanding. I can think of no better way to lead a fulfilled life.

    Pune, India

    How fortunate I am this evening to click on the icon for this abhanga! I feel that I have received a secret teaching on So’ham mantra practice. Like Saint Jnaneshvar, “my mind takes delight in it.”

    Now when I practice repeating So’ham, I can also focus my mind on "the radiant Truth that the mantra embodies," as described in the introduction. I feel I have received a blessing, which I find to be inherent in Saint Jnaneshvar’s teaching—happiness.

    Colorado, United States