Shri Guru Paduka Panchakam

Sung by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda


The recording of this hymn is available in the Siddha Yoga Bookstore.

Introduction by Krishna Haddad

On the Siddha Yoga path, students revere and honor the Sadguru, the true Master, as the grace-bestowing power of God and as the spiritual teacher who guides them on the inner journey to attain the light of their own divine Self.  Read more

Since ancient times, the Guru’s feet and the Guru’s sandals have been symbols of this power of divine grace. In India, it is customary to pay homage to the feet and to the sandals of a saint because the inner shakti is said to flow from the crown of the head through the body to emerge at the feet. Therefore, honoring the Guru’s sandals is a traditional means—imbued with a deep and resonant history—for worshiping the Guru and the divine power of grace that the Guru bestows on seekers.

One way Siddha Yogis worship the Guru’s sandals is by singing Shri Guru Paduka Panchakam, “Five Stanzas on the Sandals of Shri Guru,” a hymn in Sanskrit that extols this sacred form of the Guru’s grace.

Gurumayi Chidvilasananda has led Siddha Yogis countless times over the years in singing Shri Guru Paduka Panchakam. This hymn holds particular significance for me because in 2001 Gurumayi selected it to sing at the start of each morning of the Premotsava Music Retreat for Young Adults. In this retreat, young musicians—myself included—were becoming steeped in the practice and study of Siddha Yoga music. The goal of Siddha Yoga music, we learned, is supreme ecstasy, the ecstasy of the Self. Worshiping the Guru’s sandals at the start of each day was a tangible expression of the teachings we were imbibing. Shri Guru Paduka Panchakam and the worship of the Guru’s sandals always remind me of this retreat and of the power of the Guru’s grace that is ever present in Siddha Yoga music.

Since 1972, when Baba Muktananda established the recitation of Shri Guru Gita as part of the Ashram Daily Schedule in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, Shri Guru Paduka Panchakam has been sung to begin the practice of morning svadhyaya. The text of this hymn, traditionally attributed to Adi Shankaracharya, the great Master of Advaita Vedanta, praises the Guru’s sandals, explaining that they “grant true knowledge”—the knowledge of the Self.

I invite you to sing this sacred hymn with Gurumayi as you listen to the recording above. While performing your worship, hold the awareness that the power of Guru’s grace embodied in the padukas also resides within you as your lasting connection with Shri Guru.

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    Please share your experience in 175 words or less. Enter your share in the space below.

    As a Siddha Yogi I sing Shri Guru Paduka Pancakam daily just before reciting Shri Guru Gita. But this morning, when I listened attentively to Shri Guru Paduka Pancakam, I was filled with immense contentment. Waves of gratitude overflowed my heart. The shimmering energy of the syllables entered me and made me spellbound. Glory to the padukas of Shri Guru!

    Cuttack, India

    As a Siddha Yogi I recite Shri Guru Paduka Pancakam daily just before reciting Shri Guru Gita. But this morning, when I listened attentively to Shri Guru Paduka Pancakam, I was filled with immense contentment. Waves of gratitude overflowed my heart. The shimmering energy of the syllables entered me and made me spellbound. Glory to the padukas of Shri Guru!

    Cuttack, India

    I felt so calm as I recited Shri Guru Paduka Pancakam. I felt great devotion for Shri Guru. This prayer is soothing to my soul.

    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    Baba Muktananda feels closer to me now than ever before in my 27 years of experience as a Siddha Yoga student. I have been waking up thinking of Baba for the last several weeks. Early in the morning, Baba’s shakti seems to be infusing my consciousness with waves of peace.
    The Siddha Yoga lineage is so powerful. Thank you, Baba! Thank you, Gurumayi!

    New Jersey, USA

    For many years I have enjoyed reciting the Shri Guru Paduka Pancakam just prior to the Shri Guru Gita. But today, as I saw this beautiful artwork, I was inspired to recite it on its own and perform worship to the Guru’s sandals at my puja. As I did so, my mind became clear and focused, and my heart opened and softened. Following the recitation I became aware of the Guru’s tangible presence, and I noticed an expanded sense of unity and peace.

    Berlin, Germany

    The power of the Guru’s sandals is a mystery for me. Yet reading these verses I feel a deep sense of contentment. I feel: “That is what I want, what I wish, what I need to be truly happy.”

    Rome, Italy