Eka Dharaliya Bhava

An Abhanga by Eknath Maharaj

Abhanga Eka Dharaliya Bhava

The recording of this abhanga is available in the Siddha Yoga Bookstore on Songs of Ecstasy.

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    Like pure mountain spring water, Eknath Maharaj’s abhanga refreshed my awareness of hamsa and my heart rested in its own peacefulness. At difficult times in the world, like this, it is the grace of the saints and Siddhas that continues protecting and guiding me like a ray of sun that dissolves all traces of darkness.

    Thank you dearest Gurumayi, for continually sharing with us your divine love and inspiration.

    California, United States

    For me, this abhanga is vibrant, full of joy, love, and beauty. Eknath expresses God’s all-pervasiveness so wonderfully.

    When I reflect on its meaning, I see that I don’t have to wait for external miracles. The light of God is always present within me, and I just have to connect to my heart and share its beauty, love, and joy with my surroundings.

    Rodez, France

    I offer pranam to Eknath Maharaj on his punyatithi day today. I sat quietly and imagined his heart brimming with God’s love as he only saw God in everything. As I listened to the abhanga and sang along, I was drawn into a deep feeling of love, and I felt this love reflected in all that I saw around me. So uplifting!

    Nairobi, Kenya

    I love this abhanga. It makes me feel so happy, and it is wonderful to see it on the Siddha Yoga path website again. The meaning of it is so easy for me to connect to. It makes my heart content to remember that God is everywhere and in everything.

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for always giving us such lovely teachings.

    Yautepec, Mexico

    The sounds of this bhajan illuminate my heart. They enter softly, flowing joyfully through me, caressing gently with colors: pinks, light blues, lavender. What bliss! I am one with the sound, the colors, the words, moving softly with its rhythm. Love arises for myself and others and for our world.

    Ohio, United States

    What a beautiful abhanga—and so pertinent to my life! I have been listening to this abhanga since childhood, but today I paid attention to the meaning of the words. How compassionate is God to be present everywhere, to be available to us all the time.

    Pune, India

    What a joyful song!
    The words of the refrain stood out for me. I experience many feelings throughout the day—from love and joy to their opposites—and Eknath Maharaj’s words remind me that God is here, in every moment.
    I now see that when I notice myself having any feeling, I can pause and reset myself to the awareness of God within everything. I can let go of feelings that cause me to feel separate and hold on to the feeling of oneness with God. 

    Oregon, USA

    What a pure, clear voice and evocative melody! The sound and pronunciation are delicious. Hearing it is like drinking water at a mountain spring.
    Eknath’s poetry fills my mind with pure and clear wisdom. I feel like Sarasvati is visiting me.
    May this sweet melody and these divine words make my heart dance all day long!

    Rodez, France

    Thirty-six years ago, while serving at Gurudev Siddha Peeth, I went on a pilgrimage with three other Siddha Yogis to Paithan, the hometown of Eknath Maharaj. We visited the small, exquisite temple which is Eknath Maharaj’s samadhi shrine. There we made offerings and received his prasad. To extend our satsang moment, we enjoyed a glorious sunset on the banks of the sacred Godavari River, a short walk from the temple.
    As I read this abhanga, “Eka Dharaliya Bhava,” I recognize that, in addition to expressing the great vision of the awakened spirit, it is a perfect description of our experience of Paithan. Eknath is describing what he saw around him in this magnificent abode of a Siddha.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for sharing with us this wondrous expression of looking at the world through a great being’s perception.

    New York, USA

    This is a very nice and inspiring song. It shows me the presence of God in my day-to-day life. I believe that God is in everything, including the animals and birds. Though I am sometimes busy and stressed, I can contact God in my heart, anytime. And Gurumayi is always with me, no matter what happens.

    Dombivli, India

    I love imagining people in the villages of Maharashtra back in the 16th century, gathering together to listen to this beautiful abhanga by Eknath, maybe even singing it themselves. I love thinking of them listening to the highest scriptural truths sung in their own language, telling them, "God is ours." I think of Eknath living with his family, dwelling in his village, tending to his everyday responsibilities—and all the while, with the divine vision granted by his Guru, perceiving God everywhere. 
    Eknath’s teaching is so straightforward, so accessible. Reading his words, I experience the same kind of love, clarity, and compassion that I recognize in Gurumayi’s teachings.

    Wisconsin, USA

    Today, as I took my morning walk, I held Eknath’s words in my awareness: "One should hold on to only one feeling, that God is ours…. One can see God everywhere." As I heard the birds and saw the trees, people, plants, houses, and construction vehicles, I experienced them all as God. I experienced that I was surrounded by the presence of God. Everything around me was living, breathing God—subtle, dynamic and immanent. 
    I am grateful to Eknath for illuminating my intellect and refining my perception in such a beautiful way.

    California, USA