Prayers for Nepal

Prayers for Nepal

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    I cannot stop the earth from trembling in Nepal, and I cannot be there to lend a hand physically. But what I can do is continue to lend my heart, and the fervent prayers that are flowing out from it, to the people of Nepal. And I can continue to offer financial support through the wonderful organizations—including The PRASAD Project—that are helping to mitigate the effects of both earthquakes.

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for returning this beautiful, eloquent image of Nepal to the website, and thus returning our compassionate attention to the urgent needs of our sisters and brothers in that country.

    Illinois, USA

    When I heard about the earthquake in Nepal, I thought, how can I support the people affected? But when I saw the artwork by Gurumayi ji titled “Prayers,” I found my way. I felt grace and love emanating from the artwork.

    I can’t go to Nepal to help people, but my prayers can help them to face this hard time.

    Oh, Gurumayi! I bow at your feet, and I pray with you for the Nepalese people.

    Indore, India

    Siddha Yogis all over the world are sending their blessings by offering the prayers for Nepal. Thanks a million to the sevite in Shree Muktananda Ashram who shared on the website about Gurumayi’s offering her prayers for Nepal and the enhanced power of our unified focus when we do this together as a global sangham.
    I am in Gurudev Siddha Peeth now. Yesterday, we chanted for all the Nepalese people who had been affected by the earthquake. Before the chant, during the Evening Arati I was praying Bade Baba to help me focus in such a way that my prayers would serve their purpose. As the arati was about to end, I focused strongly on the Om purnamadah prayer. I could actually experience that, by my fully giving myself to the prayer, I was helping to bring it to fulfillment.
    I am proud to be a part of this path on which we pray for the welfare of all. Our Guru is so compassionate.

    Dombivli, India

    May the winds gently take our prayers to those in need.
    May their ears hear them
    and their souls be healed.

    Sao Paulo, Brazil

    Since the day “Prayers for Nepal” was posted, each morning before I meditate, I mentally create a prayer flag and add it to Gurumayi’s artwork.
    This practice has made a shift within—from feeling helpless to feeling resourceful. I realize how making a contribution, however small I may think it is, eventually adds up—and I am uplifted as well.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for your grace and teachings.

    Delhi, India

    In 1985, I spent three weeks trekking through the mountains in Nepal, where I experienced the loving hearts of the Nepalese people. On the trails, people of all ages would greet us with loving smiles and with hands clasped together as they cheerfully said, “Namaste.” They would offer us tea and invite us into their simple homes for a meal.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for inspiring us to pray for Nepal and her beautiful people. When I heard news of the earthquake, I prayed that the Nepalese people would experience God’s love for them. I feel that my prayer is helping to bring this about.
    I am grateful to the PRASAD Project for its work to support Nepal during this difficult time.
    Thank you to all who are offering your love in so many ways.

    Washington, USA

    On this full moon night of Baba’s birthday, I pray that all those who are impacted by the massive earthquake in Nepal find inner peace and strength. 
    In midst of great destruction and death, may they see the light of new dawn and the beauty of life. Even in these challenging times, may they have faith in God’s unconditional love, grace, and glory.
    And may they always experience God’s presence in their own heart and in every helping hand.

    Mumbai, India

    May Baba’s grace, today on his lunar birthday, and every day, reach deep into the hearts of all of the people of Nepal and those that are there to offer their help. I know and trust that our prayers and offerings, in whatever form, are offered in love, and will be received in love.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for this opportunity to express and share love as a global sangham.
    Shubh Baba’s Birthday to all!

    New York, USA

    Prayers and blessings for people in need reveal universal brotherhood. I visualize people in Nepal receiving food, first aid, and care from all over the world.

    I see all the shares from the Siddha Yogis like the prayer flags in Gurumayi’s design, and I join this one to them.

    May the sound of the great mantra Om Namah Shivaya, which I will sing this evening, and Shri Guru Gita, which I will offer tomorrow, arrive as a wind of serenity in Nepal.

    Blandas, France

    At this crucial time when the people of Nepal need support to meet their basic needs and blessings to rebuild their lives, I offer my prayer for all of the people affected by the earthquake.

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for such golden artwork that carries your love and compassion. It is a powerful blessing for the people of Nepal.

    Ahmedabad, India

    My prayer for Nepal is for the upliftment of the souls of those people who have passed away in the earthquake, and that the living may tangibly experience the presence of God. As I offered my prayer, I envisioned Nepalese people holding lighted candles in the palms of their hands, their faces shining with peace.

    Sydney, Australia

    In the summer of 2013, I was on a trek in the mountains near Ladakh in the north of India. We had a very good Nepalese guide who came from Kathmandu.

    I received news from him on Tuesday. He was guiding in Kathmandu at the moment of the earthquake, but his village where he lives with his family is at Gorkha, very near the principal center of the earthquake. He said his house is destroyed and the village is devastated, but he and his family and close relations are all fine.

    I was happy to see the image by Gurumayi posted on the website about the same time I had news from him. I felt that we are all connected and that the Guru’s protection is far reaching.

    Thank you very much, Gurumayi, for your love, guidance, and protection.

    Champs sur Marne, France

    When I look at “Prayers for Nepal,” my attention goes beyond the prayer flags and focuses on the sky. It feels as if the sky is representative of the hope and clarity that are always present and that will be present.

    Virginia, USA

    It was uplifting to see this extraordinary artwork. I returned home from a hiking trip to Nepal on Friday, April 17. Together with a friend, on April 15, ten days before the earthquake, we visited the sites included in this image.

    From the time I first got word of the tragedy, I have been feeling shock, sorrow, and compassion, but also relief that we were not there when disaster hit. My thoughts are with the people of this special nation. I have been pondering on the power of prayer in moments like this over and over again this week, but somehow did not make time and space to really dedicate myself to it. Therefore, opening the website yesterday served as a reminder to me.

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for giving me a new focus in my approach to prayer—and my life.

    Frankfurt, Germany

    Although I offered a donation through the PRASAD Project to help those affected by the earthquake in Nepal, it was not until today, when I looked at Gurumayi’s beautiful image of “Prayers for Nepal” and read through the responses, that I truly connected to my heart—and to my yearning to offer prayers and blessings along with the Siddha Yoga sangham. And so today I will recite Shri Guru Gita for all those affected by this eruption in nature.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for giving me a focus for my heart’s energy.

    Wisconsin, USA

    My heart was moved when I saw the prayer flags in the posting, “Prayers for Nepal.” I was touched by Gurumayi’s compassion and generosity, and I wanted to offer a prayer that would reach the people in Nepal. Words from the Universal Prayer in the Siddha Yoga book The Nectar of Chanting arose from inside: 
    Sarve bhavantu sukhinah
    sarve santu niramayah
    Sarve bhadrani pashyantu
    Ma kaschid-duhkha-bhag-bhavet
    “May all be happy. May all be healthy. May everyone see only auspicious sights. May no one have a share in sorrow.”
    When these words arose, I actually felt the healing energy flowing inside me and then I prayed, "May everyone receive every kind of support and healing they need." As I offered this prayer, I envisioned expansive warm light flowing into the hearts of the people of Nepal, embracing them in healing care and love.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for teaching me to pray in such a way that I can connect to the hearts of others and send them my love and blessings.

    Gurudev Siddha Peeth, India

    After contemplating Gurumayi’s beautiful artwork and reading the comments, I realize again how blessed I am to follow Gurumayi’s teachings and to belong to such a loving, caring community. Learning that the PRASAD Project is supporting the relief efforts, and being able to offer my own help and prayers is a privilege I often felt when I was volunteering after the earthquake in Haiti. It is an honor to serve and to join with the community now to pray.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for showing us the way.

    Florida, USA

    In 1998, shortly after having received shaktipat, I spent over two months in Nepal. I experienced the great warmth and joy of the people, the beauty of Kathmandu and its sacred sites, and the majesty of trekking in the Himalayas in the shadows of Mount Everest. It was a rich, very illuminating time that brought me much joy.   
    Since the earthquake occurred, I have been remembering my time in Nepal and the wonderful people I met. I have been sending my love and prayers to Nepal through my practices and by holding my connection to its people and places closely in my heart.

    New York, USA

    I’m so grateful and touched by this post from Gurumayi. In 1991, after spending some time in Gurudev Siddha Peeth and with my spirit full of light and grace from the Siddhas, I traveled to Nepal and experienced a deep connection with the smiling, happy Nepalese people.
    Three days before the earthquake, a good friend traveled there. Before he went, I shared with him my good memories of Nepal and its wonderful people. Fortunately, my friend is fine. He is very impressed by the way people are responding to what happened, with courage and acceptance.
    When I saw the post today, I felt so grateful to our Guru, who protects and blesses us all, and reminds us of the power of our prayers. Thank you!

    Rio de Janeiro , Brazil

    I awoke earlier than normal this morning, thinking of the earth’s shifting of space and energy and the earthquake in Nepal. I decided to recite Shri Guru Gita with the intention of sending blessings and grace to all who were affected. I remember Gurumayi teaching us that we have the power to send blessings to others.
    After the recitation, I fell into deep meditation. I had a vision of my higher Self going around and blessing hundreds of people by touching them on the head with peacock feathers.
    I then viewed “Prayers for Nepal” on the Siddha Yoga path website, which inspired me to chant more. I chanted Om Namo Bhagavate Muktanandaya in the Gujari Todi raga . I felt that chanting Baba’s name, just before his birthday month, along with this particular raga, would strengthen the blessings I sent. Each time Muktanandaya came up in the chant, I saw Baba in Nepal. I really did see him there.
    My love and my blessings continue to pour out to my fellow human beings, who are God. Om Namah Shivaya and Sadgurunath Maharaj Ki Jay!

    Florida, USA

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for this resplendent visual design and the guidance it contains. As I study the image, I feel connected to the spirit, rich culture, and deeply rooted tradition of prayer of the Nepalese people. I also experience that the image gives all of us in the global Siddha Yoga sangham a tangible point of collective focus, supporting us in bringing together our hearts and intentions in offerings of prayer for everyone affected by the earthquake. 

    I am holding the Siddha Yoga Vision Statement as a source of inspiration as I offer my prayers:

    For everyone, everywhere,
    to realize the presence of divinity
    in themselves and creation,
    the cessation of all miseries and suffering,

    and the attainment of supreme bliss.

    California, USA

    Last night, I was feeling deep sadness for the people of Nepal. I experienced a strong impulse to offer support, but wasn’t sure how I could do it. I prayed to Baba and Gurumayi for guidance. Then, I remembered a recent family satsang in which we visualized sending the mantra everywhere in the universe.
    I repeated the mantra along with my breath, and with each breath, I visualized the energy of the mantra flowing from my being to the Nepali people. I felt my breath was supporting them.
    This morning, I felt intensely drawn to view the Siddha Yoga path website. Tears came up when I saw “Prayers.” I felt deeply connected to Shri Guru, who is ever present in my heart.

    Pune, India

    On Wednesday, April 29, before the namasankirtana and midday arati, we were invited to create a prayer for those who have been affected by the earthquake in Nepal. We were invited to visualize, as we chanted, the power of our prayer reaching the people we wanted to help.

    This was my prayer:

    May all the people affected by the earthquake experience a sense of calm and inner strength as they receive the power and love of our chanting, our prayers, and our blessings.

    I am so deeply grateful to Gurumayi for teaching me how to create and offer prayers and blessings in practical ways.

    Shree Muktananda Ashram

    Upon hearing of the immensity of the earthquakes in Nepal, I was moved to sing Jnaneshwar’s beautiful prayer, Pasayadan, with the Siddha Yoga CD, which I chant often as an offering to free the world from suffering.

    I am so happy to learn of Gurumayi’s request to join her in prayers for Nepal, for I believe in the promise of the final verse of Jnaneshwar’s prayer, in which Jnaneshwar’s Guru assures him that his prayer will bear fruit.

    Ancona, Italy

    I was awed and touched by the outstanding image that Gurumayi has created to support the Siddha Yoga sangham in offering prayers for the people in Nepal.

    For the last two days, I have been thinking about sending a donation to the relief effort, but I hadn’t done anything about it. Then today, I saw the image that Gurumayi created, and almost immediately, I sent a donation to the relief efforts.

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for inspiring me to put my thoughts into action.

    Richmond, Canada

    Prayers for Nepal. The image created by Gurumayi is a strong reminder for me of the immense power of prayers. It’s a beautiful tradition in the Himalayan region to tie the colorful prayer flags with mantras written on them. The belief is that the vibrations of these prayers and mantras are carried by the wind, and anyone or anything touched by this wind will experience peace and happiness and will be uplifted.

    I decided to recite Shri Guru Gita as my prayer for all those thousands of people who are suffering in the aftermath of the tragic earthquake that hit Nepal on Saturday. As I was chanting the mantras of Shri Guru Gita, I felt myself being pulled deeper and deeper inside. I was still chanting, but everything within had become absolutely still. A wave of immense peace settled in my being. In the meditation that followed, I saw velvety blue light dancing, very supple and fluid, sometimes filling my vision and sometimes creating different patterns that rose and fell. I felt the prayer from my heart riding on this wave of blue light. I understood that the compassionate and grace-filled presence of Shri Guru pervades everything and everyone.

    Sadgurunath Maharaj ki Jay!

    California, USA

    The Guru’s compassion knows no bounds, and I feel as I look at this beautiful image, that Gurumayi is showing us that our compassion need not be limited by time and space either. I feel her empowering us to invoke the power of prayer and blessings—simultaneously uplifting all of us as we expand our hearts to include the beleaguered people of Nepal. May their suffering be allayed by resilience, compassion for one another, and the fervent prayers of people everywhere.

    Thank you, Gurumayi.

    Massachusetts, USA

    A couple of days ago, when I learned that the PRASAD Project was supporting disaster relief in Nepal, I knew I wanted to make a donation. As I proceeded with the donation transaction, I experienced an inner feeling of closeness with God.

    Today, I prayed that the offerings—money, resources, and practical help—from people throughout the world will bear great fruit. I prayed for the well-being of everyone affected. Then I chanted the mantra, Om Namah Shivaya, with the intention that its healing and protective power bless everyone in Nepal and the surrounding areas.

    I am so grateful to Gurumayi for giving us the Siddha Yoga practices, which support us both in our own spiritual unfoldment and as a vehicle for expressing our prayers and best wishes for our world.

    California, USA

    Today, when I went to the Siddha Yoga path website and saw the colors of Nepal and Gurumayi’s reminder to pray for others, my heart was deeply touched. I realized, "Of course, I have the ability to send prayers and blessings."
    Now I will visit Bade Baba’s temple in my mind, make a prayer for Nepal, and then chant all day for this prayer to be heard and to benefit all.

    Thank you, Gurumayi.

    Washington, USA

    Thank you, Lord, for receiving each soul who has passed on into your heart. Thank you for your arms of love and protection surrounding each victim who is suffering mentally, emotionally, or physically. Thank you for all the miracles of love performed by the brave rescuers through your grace.

    Please Lord, when I feel my heart become heavy with sadness for the victims, may I remember to take full breaths, expanding my heavy heart into hope, love, and light for each victim.

    May my heart beat with blessings and love, and may I see each victim healed in your perfect, divine, loving way.

    New York, USA

    During the midday namasankirtana and arati in Shree Muktananda Ashram, which was dedicated to offering our prayers and blessings to those affected by the earthquake in Nepal, I prayed that as a world community we take action to offer support. I prayed that all those affected by the earthquake, humans and animals, receive this needed support and care in a timely manner. I also prayed for all to remember to take refuge in God’s love and unconditional protection and to experience support and strength also from within.

    As I chanted, I visualized the scintillating power of prayer reaching people, places, and animals, and enveloping them al in brilliant light.

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for teaching us to contribute to the well-being of others and of the earth by offering blessings and dedicating our spiritual practices to the benefit of others.

    Shree Muktananda Ashram

    Today when I saw the image designed by Gurumayi, it inspired me to offer my prayers immediately for the people in Nepal impacted by the earthquake.

    I know from my personal experience that on this beautiful Siddha Yoga path, the power of prayer is immense. When I make an intention and pray to God, to the Guru, innumerable blessings are felt and received. So, I sat down to offer my recitation of Shri Guru Gita with the intention that the fruit of my practice will go to the people who have been affected by the earthquake.

    Afterward, I meditated. In my meditation, I found myself touching the hearts of the affected people one by one. As I was touching each heart, I felt very strongly that it was in fact Gurumayi’s hand touching each heart with great compassion. I visualized each broken and sad heart becoming whole, being filled with light, and great strength flowing into each person.

    This was a very powerful experience for me, envisioning Gurumayi’s blessings being received so tangibly and palpably.

    California, USA

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for the reminder of the power of our unified prayers and blessings. I am remembering lines from the beautiful hymn from the Rg Veda that were put to music and sung in the satsangs Gurumayi held to offer blessings to the world community after the events of September 11, 2001.

    Let us be united
    Let us speak in harmony
    Let our minds apprehend alike
    Common be our prayer
    Common be our resolution
    Alike be our feelings
    Unified be our hearts
    And perfect be our unity

    When I hold these words in my understanding, I move from worry to a calmer, steadier state, also benefiting the world around me.

    Massachusetts, USA

    This morning, Wednesday, April 29, Gurumayi shared with a group of sevites that ever since the earthquake in Nepal last Saturday, she has been offering prayers every day for the Nepalese people. Gurumayi wanted to support the Siddha Yoga sangham to offer prayers for Nepal when they visit the Siddha Yoga path website. Gurumayi said that the power of prayer is stronger when there is a unified focus and everyone offers prayers together.

    When one of the sevites in the Website Department heard Gurumayi’s intention to create an image for the Siddha Yoga path website, they were overjoyed. They immediately offered to contribute photos they had taken when they visited Kathmandu in 2009 and 2010.

    Today Gurumayi designed this image as a way for everyone visiting the Siddha Yoga path website to come together in the practice of prayer for Nepal.

    Shree Muktananda Ashram

    In my heart, Kathmandu and Nepal are closely associated with Baba Muktananda, for I visited the Kathmandu Valley in the summer of 1982, right after spending six weeks with Baba in Gurudev Siddha Peeth. With my heart opened wide by my time with Baba, I was especially attuned to the spiritual power and remarkable beauty in the profusion of temples and shrines in and all around Kathmandu—and to the warmth and radiance in the faces of the Nepalese people I met.   
    With these experiences reawakened by the flood of post-earthquake news, I was deeply moved by the invitation implicit in this visual—itself bedecked with prayer flags—to offer prayers for all those affected by the earthquake. To know that my prayers are joined by the prayers of Gurumayi, as well as those of Siddha Yogis around the world, restores some measure of hope in me for the future of Nepal and its people.
    Thank you for the warm embrace of this invitation.

    Illinois, USA

    Yesterday, I called a friend of mine who is a farmer not far from Kathmandu. I asked him how he and his family are doing since the earthquake. He told me that his house was completely destroyed but the family is safe. He told me he has been chanting to the goddess Chandi as he always does, and he is remaining happy as always.
    I met him when I was traveling in Nepal the year before last. He and his family welcomed me, and I lived on his farm for about a month. While I was there, we would often chant the name of God together. So yesterday, after I spoke with him, I chanted for him and his family, keeping them in my awareness as I chanted Om Shiva, Om Shiva in the midday namasankirtana here in Shree Muktananda Ashram. Since then, each time I’ve chanted, I have been offering blessings to this family and to the whole country.

    Shree Muktananda Ashram

    Ever since I heard about the devastation in Nepal, I have been chanting and praying so that the suffering of the people there might be eased. Thank you for this posting, which reminds me that each of us has the ability and the means to connect with the one Lord who dwells in the heart of all.  My own experience over the years has given me faith in the power of our practices and our prayers, offered from wherever we are in the world.

    Shree Muktananda Ashram