Shri Hanuman Chalisa

Introduction by Madhulika Khandelwal

Shri Hanuman Chalisa is a hymn dedicated to Shri Hanuman, the great devotee of Lord Rama. It was written by the revered poet-saint Goswami Tulsidas in the sixteenth century. In Hindi, chalis means the number forty, which refers to the number of verses in the poem. The hymn is in the vernacular of Avadhi, an antiquated form of Hindi.  Read more

In these verses, Tulsidas hails Shri Hanuman for his ardent devotion and resoluteness in serving Lord Rama. In verse 32, for example, the poet-saint praises Shri Hanuman for possessing Ram rasayan, “the ambrosia of Lord Rama”—the nectar of repeating the Lord’s name through his one-pointed devotion. By invoking the exemplary qualities of Hanuman, Tulsidas himself demonstrates the bhava of true devotion.

Shri Hanuman Chalisa is a hymn dear to people throughout India and in other parts of the world. Many sing it at the beginning of the day and have it kanthastha, “memorized,” to support their doing so joyfully! In addition to his devotion, Hanuman is renowned for his indomitable strength and courage in completing arduous tasks. It is said that singing Shri Hanuman Chalisa helps people to avert difficulties and nurture inner strength in challenging circumstances, as through this hymn they are invoking the qualities of Shri Hanuman in their own hearts.

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    Recently, I had the good fortune to offer seva in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, the Siddha Yoga Ashram in India. A fellow sevite would play this hymn every morning. It wasn’t always possible to listen to it with complete focus, but even during the busiest seva periods, having Shri Hanuman Chalisa playing in the background filled us with great energy and joyous strength. And no amount of seva ever felt overwhelming!
    Now that I’m back home, I am inspired to make this practice a part of my daily life. I will draw strength from it, and I feel it will help me perform my responsibilities with the same gusto as when I offered seva in Gurudev Siddha Peeth.

    New Delhi, India

    When I was growing up, we sang Shri Hanuman Chalisa often, especially before any important event. I was not aware of the power of Lord Hanuman until I came to this life-transforming Siddha Yoga path. Lord Hanuman’s devotion inspires me to sing Shri Hanuman Chalisa as often as I can.

    Florida, United States

    I am grateful to be able to listen to the sweet voices chanting Shri Hanuman Chalisa. It’s a beautiful and gracious way to start my day. This boon soothes my mind and stirs my heart.

    California, United States

    Today I listened to Shri Hanuman Chalisa while reading the text. Suddenly I got up and danced along with the rest of the hymn. I felt so good and relaxed.

    I experienced a similar connection with Shri Hanuman the day before. I was reading stories about him, and suddenly I laughed about some scenes I found really funny. At first I found my reaction childish, but then I noticed that the worries I had been having were gone! My feeling was that Hanuman’s energy had come to me. I was stunned about this feeling and thought: Hanuman has not only immense devotion to Lord Rama, but he is also relaxed, playful, humorous, and very compassionate. Moreover he seems to be able to convey a message to me. So I thank Hanuman very much, and I feel gratitude for this website that is like an open door to another space.

    Hindelang, Germany

    A couple of days ago I listened and followed along with the verses of Shri Hanuman Chalisa. I felt grateful to hear such beauty, and I prayed intently for Hanuman to dwell in my heart.
    Last night outside under a full moon, I asked Gurumayi for guidance. From within came, “May I serve Gurumayi as she serves Baba.” I then realized that Hanuman does dwell in my heart!
    I feel I will remember this prayer always.

    Busselton, Australia

    Today as I listened to Shri Hanuman Chalisa, wonderful memories came flooding back to me, memories of the first time I saw Shri Hanuman at Shree Muktananda Ashram and of connecting with him over the years. When I remember Shri Hanuman’s inner strength and joy, I let go of identification with my body and thoughts and remember my true nature.
    I also noticed that when I began to play Shri Hanuman Chalisa, my cat, who had not been feeling well, stood up, faced me, and started purring!

    New Jersey, United States

    Many years ago, at a time I was experiencing fear and anxiety, I prayed to Baba for help. One night I had a dream in which I saw my sister telling me to sing Shri Hanuman Chalisa. I was surprised, as I had not shared my fears with her. But I immediately realized it was the answer to my prayer. So I started singing these stanzas. My fears vanished, as well as the outer circumstances that had caused the fears.

    Burnaby, Canada

    I start or end the day reciting Shri Hanuman Chalisa. It is the crowning jewel of my day, the salvation of my sanity, the balm that ends my suffering. Having access to it on the Siddha Yoga path website makes me feel as if my home has become the Ashram.

    Florida, United States

    I am so grateful that this hymn now appears on the Siddha Yoga path website. I was given a copy of Shri Hanuman Chalisa many years ago by a lady to whom I am still very grateful for this gift. But I didn’t know the tune and was not sure I would ever be in a position to be able to learn or sing it. I have, however, always kept it on my puja, as I understood it to be very precious.

    Now I can start to learn the pronunciation, tune, and rhythm of the hymn, which I am finding to be a really sweet practice. Even though my singing is far from perfect, I love receiving darshan of Shri Hanuman through the image that appears at the end of the text, as he bestows his profound blessing of peace, fearlessness, and unwavering commitment to the path of love.

    Guildford, United Kingdom

    I have been singing Shri Hanuman Chalisa for many years. Now that it is readily available on the Siddha Yoga path website, my family and I sing it daily after having our morning tea. The version on the website is so good that my family and I experience the divine protection of Hanuman ji.

    New Delhi, India

    Oh, how my heart opened when I heard this beautiful hymn to dear Shri Hanuman. I remember the first time I saw Shri Hanuman at Shree Muktananda Ashram. His statue became so real to me that I began to talk to him like a dear friend and mentor. I knew that I wanted to be devoted to my Guru just like he was devoted to his Guru.
    I remember when Gurumayi told us all to “Be strong.” I have been obeying this command, and listening to this hymn, I felt even stronger. I will continue to listen to this beautiful sound to support me in remembering.

    California, United States

    I was so delighted to discover this hymn dedicated to Shri Hanuman on the Siddha Yoga path website. I listened to it yesterday, and today I joined in the singing. The tune has been on my mind and in my heart throughout the day. It connects me with the deep, sweet feeling of love for my Guru and gratitude both for the protection she offers to me and the ways she reminds me to stay strong.
    Hanuman is such a great example that devotion to the Guru gives me the strength I need in my life.

    Gottmadingen, Germany

    I love to listen to Shri Hanuman Chalisa again and again, for these verses connect me to my heart. They bring me a feeling of detachment from distractions in my outer world and, at the same time, strength, courage, and devotion within. I am so grateful for the ways this melody helps my mind to go inward and enjoy peace.

    New Delhi, India

    As I sang this beautiful hymn, my heart overflowed with love and devotion. My mind entered a silent space within and became peaceful. I’m so grateful for this sweet gift, this melodious and loving rendition of Shri Hanuman Chalisa.

    New Delhi, India

    This heart-touching, melodious Shri Hanuman Chalisa is so beautiful to hear. I have heard and sung this hymn many times, but today when I sang and read the meaning of each line, it melted my heart. I experienced deep devotion.

    Bareilly, India

    When I was singing this hymn, the image of Shri Hanuman came before me. What a beautiful melody and sound! I clearly felt Shri Hanuman’s presence, and my heart was filled with love and compassion. Then these words came from my heart, “O Lord, I bow to you.”

    Khargone, India

    This is the most beautiful and melodious rendition of Sri Hanuman Chalisa I have heard. I experience serenity and tranquility after listening to it. I want to listen every day and chant along.

    New Delhi, India

    I have chanted Shri Hanuman Chalisa since I was a child. Since seeing it on the Siddha Yoga path website and reading its meaning, I am focusing on bringing my awareness to the inner landscape of the mind. I also experience a deeper connection to Hanuman’s qualities, which are evoked through this chant.

    I offer thanks to Gurumayi for making the teachings so accessible.

    Maitland, Guyana

    Singing Shri Hanuman Chalisa fills my mind and heart with great love. It helps me to forget any sorrow and makes me courageous. It supports me in building my inner strength.

    Surat, India

    By singing Shri Hanuman Chalisa again and again, I feel I am becoming more and more imbued with the qualities of Hanuman ji: devotion, surrender, and strength. As I listen to the chalisa and sing along with the recording, I experience satsang within, and the energy of satsang vibrates outside too. I am so grateful this recording is on the Siddha Yoga path website.

    Khargone, India

    Singing in praise of Shri Hanuman uplifted my heart and made me feel that I was actually in the company of this great devotee of the Lord.
    It has been a long time since I last sang this invocation. I love it—the melody and meter are so sweet. Singing now, I felt as though I had jumped into a deep river of devotion that flowed way over my head. Then, with pure joy, I found I could breathe and sing deep inside the river.
    The remembrance of Shri Hanuman’s devotion to his Lord is a blessing to me, to all of us.

    New York, United States

    As I listened to Shri Hanuman Chalisa, I felt I was being given the qualities needed to serve the Siddha Yoga mission at this time. The chalisa is reminding me of my inner divinity and of my inspiration to live and serve from the highest perspective. I feel moved to serve as Lord Hanuman served Shri Ram—with devotion, courage, and discipline.
    Thank you for this amazing, inspiring hymn.

    Pune, India

    Recently I spent a couple of months in Gurudev Siddha Peeth. Each morning I would do puja to Shri Hanuman, and I would pray to him for strength and discipline on the path of yoga. Now that I’m back home, I often reflect about that experience. I feel as though Shri Hanuman truly has inhabited my body and my inner being.

    As I chant this most beautiful Shri Hanuman Chalisa, my entire being is filled with devotion, longing, and inner strength. I feel the presence of Shri Hanuman guiding, protecting, and giving me strength in my sadhana.

    I bow to Shri Hanuman. May you continue to uplift your devotees and all of humanity. With all my heart, may I continue to imbibe your auspicious qualities!

    New York, United States

    Having been born and brought up in north India, I have seen Hanuman’s pictures and listened to this sacred text ever since childhood. But when I listened to this recording, something very different happened—tears of gratitude started flowing from my eyes. The pace, the tune, the music, and the love with which it is sung touched every particle of my being. Not only did I feel bliss, but I also felt freedom.

    On reflection, I realized that this recording has connected me directly to the devotion and love that Hanuman represents.

    New Delhi, India

    As I listened to Shri Hanuman Chalisa for the first time, I focused on reading the translation. My mind became very still. Before the end of the chant, I felt a quiet, serene joy arising within me, the top of my head began to tingle, and my attention was drawn inward—I experienced the most delightful satsang with my inner Self. This beautiful state became a waking meditation as I went about my day.

    Colorado, United States

    As a kid, I learned the Shri Hanuman Chalisa by heart. However, I never felt so much love, devotion, and connection to the Truth within as I did today after listening to this version of the hymn. The singers’ voices so sweetly and perfectly blend into one cohesive voice. Their unity inspires great love, respect, and longing in me for Lord Hanuman and for my Shri Guru, Gurumayi!

    Mumbai, India

    Reciting Shri Hanuman Chalisa always helps me to stay courageous. Whenever I feel low, I recite two or three verses of Shri Hanuman Chalisa. It gives me such a nice feeling.

    Ganeshpuri, India

    I am inspired by the selflessness with which Shri Hanuman performed his service—with dedication so complete that there would be no trace of egotism or wish for his own benefit in all the tasks and feats that he performed. This leads me to make a mental note that he would have spent no time on self-congratulation either. Seeing Shri Hanuman in these ways—as purely focused on what he needed to do in the moment and where he needed to be next in service to his Lord—inspires me to follow his example and, with renewed intention, to commit myself to truly selfless service.

    Guildford, United Kingdom

    When contemplating Shri Hanuman, what comes to mind is his full dedication in his role as servant to Lord Rama. No task is too large or too small that it is not undertaken with boundless energy and great love. 
    This expression of his pure love through selfless service, through seva, is expressed so beautifully through Shri Hanuman Chalisa. When I listen to this great homage by the poet-saint Tulsidas, I experience the perfume and ardor of Shri Hanuman’s presence and service. I am inspired as I recognize the power and beauty of a life filled with seva, of a life filled with inexhaustible dedication and joy.

    Florida, United States

    As I listen to this song and read the verses, I feel devotion arise. To me, the voices of the singers convey devotion, strength, and gentleness—qualities I associate with Shri Hanuman. In the graphics before and after the chalisa, I see Hanuman as the son of the wind flying amidst glorious color. By the end of this hymn, I am quiet, elated. I understand that right now, through this exquisite post, Hanuman has indeed made his “abode in my heart.”

    Melbourne, Australia