Ab Laũ Nasānī Ab Na Nasaihaũ

A Bhajan by Tulsidas

Ab Loũ Nasānῑ Ab Na Nasaihoũ - A bhajan by Poet-Saint Tulsidas

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    The images in this bhajan are so beautiful. They express my own experience of the transformative power of divine grace that woke me to the light of the Truth, so that I "no longer sleep in darkness." 

    I loved reading Tulsidas’ description of opening his heart to Rama, and how that had such purifying effects on his mind. I am filled with gratitude as I am reminded of how much my own mind has been transformed, strengthened, and purified—as the result of opening my heart, first to Baba and then to Gurumayi. How encouraging to know that my sadhana shares key elements with the experiences Tulsidas describes in his eloquent verses!

    Illinois, USA

    This bhajan by Tulsidas reminds me how grateful I feel for each moment in which I remember my Guru or the mantra, or when I read the many wonderful, uplifting postings on the Siddha Yoga website.
    I am very fortunate to have learned about the highest actions a human being could perform so that I am not "frittering my life away." Instead I am moving ever closer to the Truth.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, Baba, and Bade Baba, for your compassionate grace.

    New York, USA