Shri Guru Sarikha

An abhanga by Jnaneshvar Maharaj, sung by Rani Doyon.

Shri Guru Sarikha

A recording of Gurumayi singing this hymn is available in the Siddha Yoga Bookstore.

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    I love listening to and singing along with this bhajan. The singer’s beautiful voice evokes in me a feeling of tenderness, richness, and love.  After listening, I found myself singing from a full heart. The questions in the translation of the first few verses sank into my being, and as I sat for a few minutes afterwards, the affirmation contained in the last verse rang true in my heart. I feel I have everything, and I am inspired to bring this awareness into every moment today.

    Warrnambool, Australia

    Listening to this wonderful and mesmerizing bhajan brings me to a state of deep silence, love, and gratitude to beloved Shri Gurumayi. While listening to this bhajan, I feel I am seeing my entire life like a movie in front of me. I feel that each second of my life is filled with the awakened Kundalini Shakti, through the grace of my Guru.

    I bow to the divine feet of beloved Gurumayi ji.

    Ahmedabad, India

    I experienced the melody and lyrics of this abhanga as pure love! My state immediately shifted, and I was ushered inside into meditation. My heart was bursting with love and gratitude for my Guru.
    I had to keep playing it over and over, to again become immersed in the power and beauty of this gift of grace.

    California, United States

    This beautiful bhajan about the Guru’s protection reminds me of a dream I had recently. I was on a boat with friends, but I had to leap off into the water. I waved goodbye to my friends as I left. Next I was floating on my back, with my head and legs supported on two boards.
    Soon I started racing very fast with the current. The current was supposed to take me to shore, but what if it didn’t? Then something gravel-like appeared beneath my boards and me. I realized I was in trouble and felt afraid.
    Just then I felt a large hand—warm, firm, strong. I clutched onto it. “Gurumayi?” I asked. “Gurumayi?” The hand, although not like Gurumayi’s physical hand, was in fact Gurumayi’s hand! It was also Baba’s hand and the hand of the Goddess. It was my safe harbor.
    My relief was overwhelming. I knew in that moment I was perfectly safe.

    Auckland, New Zealand

    I have listened to this exquisite abhanga over and over again, singing along at times with Rani; this draws me into a deep state of devotion. This feeling is similar to one which inspired me to write the following poem to express my gratitude to Gurumayi for her compassionate presence in my life:
    O lover of God,
    gracing upon me
    this day
    your many
    O giver of faith,
    in my hour of need
    granting to me all
    this heart desires.
    O Lord, beneficent One,
    Holy of Holies,
    this one stands
    amazed in gratitude,
    for surely your hand
    has touched my
    life in ways
    unknown to me.

    Massachusetts, United States

    Shri Guru Sarikha is gorgeous. Jnaneshvar Maharaj’s words are so true and filled with love. Gurumayi’s music is sweet and beautiful. Rani’s voice, perfect enunciation and timing, lilting tones, and modulations are mesmerizing. My heart soared as I noticed each beautiful element blending perfectly with others to allow me to embrace the Truth of the extraordinary opportunity of now in this life. 
    After experiencing two grievous losses in the past months, I have been moving slowly toward acceptance of this reality. As I listened to Rani sing Shri Guru Sarikha and then joined in, my heart expanded and I felt joy for the first time in months. All of the beautiful moments of the past months, when my delight had been suppressed by sorrow, seemed to resurface—glowing with the joy I missed.

    North Carolina, United States

    This abhanga caught me by surprise. The words, the melody, and the voice of the singer all blended into an expression of a profound truth in my own life. I felt I was listening to the words of a wordless prayer from my innermost being as the abhanga revealed wave upon wave of gratitude and longing. I recognized the tremendous longing as my yearning to become one with the Beloved, to be absorbed in the divine, and to shine forth as a flame of that love in this world. 

    California, United States

    During a challenging period, I prayed to know that I had the Guru’s full protection. Then one night I found Shri Guru Sarikha on the Siddha Yoga path website. I had an instant recognition of grace—Rani Doyon’s devotion and Jnaneshvar’s poignant and sage words drew me into my heart. To absorb myself more deeply in this experience, for several months I sang with Rani every night before I went to bed. Absorbing myself in the Guru’s grace in this way heightened my feeling of protection and safety, which carried me through the days and nights of uncertainty. My practice evoked in me a profound reverence for the Guru’s divine and everlasting protection, and I understood the truth of Jnaneshvar’s words: “Having a protector like Shri Guru, why would I seek the aid of anyone else?”

    Maryland, United States

    This abhanga is, for me, an exquisite love song.

    Listening to the abhanga and singing it with Rani reminded me that I have everything I need and that, little by little, issues or problems can be overcome. As I listened, I was immediately drawn into the most tender part of my heart, and I had the experience of completion.

    London, United Kingdom

    This is my favorite abhanga. I listened to it on this beautiful July morning with the windows open and a nectarean, balmy summer breeze gently flowing through the living room. I felt as though I was transported to the courtyard in Gurudev Siddha Peeth. As Jnanadeva’s name was sung, a divine fragrance arose, and I felt a divine presence touch my heart. I was filled with love, gratitude, and celebration of the Guru’s grace in my life. I recalled the perfection of my life as it has unfolded.

    Connecticut, United States

    This abhanga is a gem and one of my favorites! The sweetness in the singer’s voice and the depth of Jnanadeva’s words melt my heart every time I hear it.

    Today the abhanga held a special meaning for me, for it is my birthday. As I sang along with the recording, I felt my heart opening and inner obstacles within me dissolving, and I saw a clear path toward a blessed life aligned with the divine.

    Rome, Italy

    Listening to this beautiful abhanga swept me out of my daily pressures and concerns and put me directly at the feet of my beloved Gurumayi. As I listened with tear-filled eyes, I had a vision of Gurumayi giving darshan to person after person, blessing them gently with her peacock feathers and honoring each one as a magnificent and unique being. My heart was permeated with love for all and for the Guru, who was inspiring it. And along with the love came a divine feeling of peace and blissful contentment. “Truly, I am uplifted by my Guru’s grace.” Indeed.

    New York, United States

    As I listened to Shri Guru Sarikha, I was moved by the pure sounds of this beautiful bhajan. I was filled with a visceral experience of the bound soul feeling the immensity and mercy of the Guru’s protection.
    Then I moved my laptop to the kitchen and listened to the bhajan again while I cooked. When I finished cooking, I lifted the laptop from my kitchen table and found a rakhi made of gold thread under the laptop. I was astonished.
    With this rakhi, I felt that I had received a confirmation of the gift of the Guru’s protection. I understood that the disciple’s devotion draws the protection of the Guru.

    California, United States

    I have been listening to Shri Guru Sarikha, the abhanga by Jnaneshvar Maharaj, as sung by Rani Doron, many times each day. I want to keep the company of this abhanga as much as possible, since it carries me directly to the presence of the Guru within.
    When I heard it for the first time, my longing to be in the presence of the inner Guru was so intense that I recognized that is where I want to be constantly. Every time I hear it, it is like gazing at the full Gurupurnima moon, having my entire being illumined by its brightness and seeing the Guru clearly in my mind’s eye. It is like feeling my divine inner flame with clarity, breathing completely freely, and understanding, for a moment, the oneness that connect us all. It is like being in this place beyond space and time where only peace, joy, and love exist.
    I recognize these experiences as an encounter with my inner divinity.

    Oregon, United States

    To help give myself support during a time when I am facing some difficult family issues, I keep on listening to Shri Guru Sarikha. As I do so, I reach a deep state of peace and silence where all my worries disappear, and where I float in the grace and love of my Guru.

    Naples, Italy

    Rani’s nectarean voice and the sweet melody of the abhanga, along with the resounding words of each stanza, permeated my entire being and I felt deep love for my Guru, Gurumayi.
    This music evoked in me a strong and yet sweet longing that I have been experiencing ever since I heard the music this morning. Filled with gratitude and love for my Guru, I stand resolved to further strengthen my sadhana.

    Mumbai, India

    As I heard Rani’s voice and read the verses of this abhanga, tears welled up in my eyes. Yes, I am truly grateful to have found my Guru, and that she has found me and my wife. Our marriage has been so rich with Gurumayi and the Siddha Yoga practices in our lives.
    Truly, as the second verse suggests, we lack for nothing. We have Shri Guru’s grace as we continue on our path of sadhana, and so our lives continue to unfold in sweet and blessed ways.

    Florida, United States

    This has been the year that I have begun to know Jnaneshvar Maharaj, and I have fallen in love. Before listening to this exquisite abhanga of his, I chanted the mantra with the intention to palpably experience God within and without. Then, in listening, my intention was fulfilled. Siddha Yoga music often gives me a feeling that is like being immersed in heaven on earth and heaven in heaven—all with the awareness that Gurumayi has brought this experience forth for all of us.
    I listened to this abhanga about twenty times in a row! I did hatha yoga with it playing and I sang with it. This experience of being fully in the Guru’s world of pure sweetness, all goodness, and boundless love—all this and more came flowing forth from this beautiful song. I was also profoundly moved to hear Rani singing this abhanga; it gave me a sense of Gurumayi’s intention and work flowing forward for generations to come.

    Connecticut, United States