Commune with Nature
Video Vignettes from Shree Muktananda Ashram
Commune with Nature
Video Vignettes from Shree Muktananda Ashram
Communiez avec la nature
Vignettes vidéo de Shree Muktananda Ashram
Zwiesprache mit der Natur
Video-Skizzen aus dem Shree Muktananda Ashram
Comunhão com a Natureza
Vinhetas em Vídeo do Ashram Shree Muktananda
Entra in comunione con la Natura
Brevi video dall’Ashram Shree Muktananda
En comunión con la naturaleza
Viñetas en video desde Shree Muktananda Ashram
Gurumayi Chidvilasananda teaches new spiritual seekers and Siddha Yoga students to attune to the divine in nature by observing its subtle, exquisite, simple, and intricate manifestations. Gurumayi invites everyone to understand how Kundalini Shakti moves within nature and how nature exemplifies its connectivity with the universe.
Gurumayi Chidvilasananda teaches new spiritual seekers and Siddha Yoga students to attune to the divine in nature by observing its subtle, exquisite, simple, and intricate manifestations. Gurumayi invites everyone to understand how Kundalini Shakti moves within nature and how nature exemplifies its connectivity with the universe.
Gurumayi Chidvilasananda enseigne aux nouveaux chercheurs et aux étudiants du Siddha Yoga à se relier au divin dans la nature en observant ses manifestations subtiles, exquises, simples ou complexes. Gurumayi nous invite à comprendre que Kundalini Shakti se meut dans la nature et que la nature illustre sa connexion avec l’univers.
Gurumayi Chidvilasananda lehrt neue spirituell Suchende und Siddha Yoga SchülerInnen sich auf das Göttliche in der Natur einzustimmen, indem sie beobachten, auf welch subtile, auserlesene, einfache und aufwändige Weise es sich manifestiert. Gurumayi lädt alle dazu ein, zu verstehen, wie sich Kundalini Shakti in der Natur bewegt und wie die Natur beispielhaft ihre Verbundenheit mit dem Universum zeigt.
Gurumayi Chidvilasananda ensina aos novos buscadores espirituais e aos estudantes de Siddha Yoga a se sintonizarem com o divino na natureza, observando suas manifestações sutis, belas, simples e intrincadas. Gurumayi convida todos a compreenderem como Kundalini Shakti se movimenta dentro da natureza, e como a natureza oferece exemplos de conexão com o universo.
Gurumayi Chidvilasananda insegna ai nuovi cercatori spirituali e agli studenti Siddha Yoga a entrare in sintonia con il divino nella natura, osservando le sue manifestazioni sottili, deliziose, semplici ed elaborate. Gurumayi invita ognuno di noi a comprendere come Kundalini Shakti si muove nella natura e come la natura esemplifichi la sua connessione con l’universo.
Gurumayi Chidvilasananda enseña a los nuevos buscadores y a los estudiantes de Siddha Yoga a entrar en sintonía con lo divino en la naturaleza, observando sus manifestaciones sutiles, exquisitas, sencillas e intrincadas. Gurumayi invita a todos a comprender cómo Kundalini Shakti se mueve dentro de la naturaleza, y cómo la naturaleza ejemplifica su conectividad con el universo.
snow falling
a still fragment of nature encased in ice
I am warmed within, my heart beating,
glowing within the stillness of my body
alight with grace and freshened
by the breeze of the Guru’s love
Thornbury, Australia
Florida, United States
Illinois, United States
Augsburg, Germany
I am deeply thankful for these videos, which allow all of us, no matter where we live, to share in the beauty of Shree Muktananda Ashram. When I think of Shri Gurumayi being there, it is easy and sweet to feel her presence in these scenes of nature.
Valbrembo, Italy
New York, United States
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Massachusetts, United States
I am inspired to bring these qualities to my day and notice the effects of this practice in my life.
Connecticut, United States
I am inspired to take this practice of listening into my meditation and my daily activities.
Connecticut, United States
My state shifted to one of wonder, equipoise, expansion. In this way, viewing the video was a means to practicing Gurumayi’s Message for 2019.
Connecticut, United States